Lithium Nevada Corp Water Pollution Control Permit NEV2020104

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First Hearing
9:00 A.M.
June 28, 2022
Second Hearing (if necessary)
9:00 A.M.
June 29, 2022

Capacity at the physical locations is severely limited

Remote Participation is STRONGLY encouraged

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    United States: +1 (877) 422-8614
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Bryan Building, 2nd Floor, Tahoe Room

901 South Stewart Street

Carson City, NV

Video Streamed to

Red Rock Conference Room

375 East Warm Springs Road Suite 200

Las Vegas, NV



SEC Final Decision:  On June 28, 2022, after a hearing and deliberation at an open meeting, the Nevada State Environmental Commission (SEC) voted unanimously to affirm the Department’s approval of Permit# NEV2020104. 

Hearing Audio, Agenda, Notices, Minutes, and Transcripts

Background of Appeal

The Thacker Pass Project is located in Humboldt County, Nevada, approximately 20 miles northwest of Orovada, Nevada.

On February 25, 2022, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) issued Water Pollution Control Permit NEV2020104 to Lithium Nevada Corp. Permit NEV2020104 is a new permit and authorizes the Lithium Nevada Corp. to:

  1. Construct, operate, and close the facility in accordance with operating plans and facility design plans reviewed and approved by NDEP;
  2. Contain within the fluid management system all process fluids including all meteoric waters which enter the system as a result of the 25-year, 24-hour storm event; and 
  3. Not release of or discharge any process or non-process contaminants from the fluid management system.

On March 7, 2022, Cavanaugh-Bill Law Offices filed an appeal on behalf of Great Basin Resource Watch (GBRW).

GBRW alleges the following citations have been violated: NAC 445A.2268, NAC 445A.121, NAC 445A.424-447, NAC 445A.429, NAC 445A.465, NRS 445A.305, NRS
445A.335, NRS 445A.405, NRS 445A.415, NRS 445A.425, NRS 445A.465.

Appeal Documents

Appellant Documents: Great Basin Resource Watch 

Defendant Documents: Nevada Division of Environmental Protection

Intervenor Documents: Lithium Nevada Corp. 

State Environmental Commission Documents: