SEC Regulatory Meeting December 14, 2022

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9:00 A.M.
Wednesday December 14, 2022

Bryan Building, 2nd Floor, Tahoe Room

901 South Stewart Street

Carson City, NV

Video Streamed to

Red Rock Conference Room

375 East Warm Springs Road Suite 200

Las Vegas, NV

Capacity at the physical locations is limited

Remote participation is encouraged


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Minutes, Agenda, & Audio


Sustainable Materials Management Plan Updates

The Bureau of Sustainable Materials Management will provide an update to thier Sustainable Materials Management Plan (formerly the Solid Waste Management Plan).


NDEP Regulatory Petitions

Permanent Regulation R109-22: Bureau of Administrative Services - Office of Financial Assistance - Defining “Disadvantaged,” Amending the Environmental Review Process, Fees, and General Housekeeping

R109-22 proposes the following changes to NAC 445A.255:

  • Define the term “disadvantaged,”
  • Streamline the process for funding drinking water systems under emergency situations,
  • Amend the environmental review process,
  • Add an administrative fee for loans,
  • Align state regulations with federal changes and direction, and
  • Make a few housekeeping amendments.

The proposed changes are expected to have minimal impact on community water systems and the communities that they serve.  This impact may be greater if the water system does not have an updated or sustainable rate structure in place. These changes will not have an economic impact on the Division.

Supporting PDF Documents


Permanent Regulation R112-22: Bureau of Water Pollution Control - Increasing Permitting Fees

R112-22 proposes to increase the fees for the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection to ensure the Bureau of Water Pollution Control can continue to perform its statutory requirements including permitting, inspection, technical assistance and compliance of facilities, and administrative assistance to the public. 

The proposed regulation is estimated to have some economic effect on permit applicants, which may be offset by more timely processing of permit applications. The proposed regulations are not expected to have an impact on the public or on the implementing agency.

Supporting PDF Documents


Permanent Regulation R155-22: Bureau of Safe Drinking Water - Regulation Changes Related to Fees for Engineering Design Report Reviews and Permitting

R155-22 proposes to increase the fees for engineering plan reviews and annual operating permits to implement the Safe Drinking Water Act in NAC 445A.6664 and NAC 445A.604, add a new fee for water haulers in NAC 445A.6728, and provide general updates to reference the correct agency in the regulations.

The proposed regulation is expected to have some impact on the regulated community, as fees will increase. These fees may be passed on to the public, but will be offset by more timely review of projects and regulatory compliance determinations. These changes will not have a negative economic impact on the implementing agency.

Supporting PDF Documents


Permanent Regulation R114-22: Bureau of Water Quality Planning - Updates to Beryllium Water Quality Standards and Aligning Regulatory Language Regarding “Reporting Limits”

R114-22 proposes to amend Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 445A.1236, to align with the most current recommended values published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for beryllium to protect the beneficial use of “municipal or domestic supply.”

The proposed regulation is estimated to have no economic impact on the public, public water systems, or the Division.

Supporting PDF Documents


Permanent Regulation R116-22: Bureau of Water Quality Planning - Adopting Site-Specific Selenium Standards

R116-22 proposes to amend Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 445A.1237 to add site-specific criteria values for selenium in segments of Las Vegas Wash (NAC 445A.2156 and NAC 445A.2158). 

The proposed regulation is not expected to have an economic effect on business, the public, or the implementing agency.

Supporting PDF Documents


Permanent Regulation R115-22: Bureau of Water Quality Planning - Water Quality Criteria for Channels Tributary to the Las Vegas Wash

R115-22 proposes to apply a set of standards that is more appropriate for the limited beneficial uses of the channels that are tributary to the Las Vegas Wash (NAC 445A.2156). NDEP's rationale includes a use attainability analysis (UAA), as required by the Clean Water Act when protection of aquatic life (AQL) and recreation with contact (RWC) are not proposed as beneficial uses for a waterbody.

The proposed changes are expected to have slight economic impact on business. These changes will not have an economic impact on the public or the implementing agency.

Supporting PDF Documents