Regulatory Meeting October 14, 2015
![]() Time
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9:00 A.M. Wednesday, October 14, 2015 | Nevada Legislative Building, Room 2135 401 South Carson Street Carson City, NV |
Minutes, Agenda, & Audio
Penalty Assessments for Air Quality Violations
Clean Dried Processing, Inc.
Penalty Assessment, NOAV Nos. 2524,2526 and 2529 for alleged failure to comply with applicable conditions of an operating permit. The recommended penalty amount is $14,075.00. (For Possible Action)
Florida Canyon Mining, Inc.
Penalty Assessment, NOAV No. 2554 for alleged failure to comply with the requirements for recordkeeping, monitoring, reporting or compliance certification contained in an operating permit. The recommended penalty amount is $2,585.00. (For Possible Action)
NDEP Regulatory Petitions
Permanent Regulation R020-15 - Bureau of Safe Drinking Water - Subdivision Process Amendment
Approve and adopt permanent regulatory petition R020-15, as proposed, or take other action as appropriate. (For Possible Action)
The proposed amendment addresses NAC Chapter 278. Prior to adoption of the Temporary Amendments on May 6, 2015, the existing regulation prohibited any construction from occurring at a proposed Subdivision until a Final Map was approved. An alternative was requested by interested parties to consider allowing mass grading of a proposed Subdivision earlier in the review and approval process. The Temporary Amendments were crafted to ensure the protection of public health, and maintain a mechanism to ensure that land grading will not negatively impact the engineering design of water and wastewater infrastructure. The proposed Permanent Amendments will permit grading and construction to begin upon Agency review and approval of water and wastewater utility engineering design “plans for improvement” prior to Final Map approval.
This regulation will not have an immediate or long-term adverse economic impact on the public or the business community. There will be no additional costs to the State for enforcement of the proposed regulation and the regulation does not overlap, duplicate or conflict with any regulations of other government agencies. The proposed regulation does not include provisions which are more stringent than a federal regulation. The proposed regulation does not address fees. The proposed regulation is essential to the functions and operations of NDEP.
Documents in Adobe PDF File Format
- October 27, 2014 — NDEP Draft Regulation [2 Pages]
- October 27, 2014 — SEC Form 1 [3 Pages]
- October 24, 2014 — SEC Form 4 [3 Pages]
- November 3, 2014 — Workshop Notice & Agenda [3 Pages]
- December 1, 2014 — NDEP Revised Draft [3 Pages]
- December 15, 2014 — NDEP Revised Draft [3 Pages]
- December 19, 2014 — Workshop Summary Minutes [5 Pages]
- October 28, 2014 — Notice of Regulatory Hearing
- March 12, 2015 — NDEP Revised Draft [2 Pages]
- March 14, 2015 — Notice of Regulatory Hearing
- April 7, 2015 — Revised Form 1
- April 7, 2015 — Revised Form 4
- June 10, 2015 — Informational Statement [5 Pages]
- June 10, 2015 — Filing Form
- June 10, 2015 — Regulation Transmittal Letter — State Library & Archives
- July 24, 2015 — LCB Cover Letter for Permanent Regulation Draft
- July 24, 2015 — LCB Draft Regulation [4 Pages]
- August 12, 2015 — Workshop Notice
- August 12, 2015 — Workshop Agenda
- July 24, 2015 — Revised Form 1
- August 18, 2015 — Revised Form 4
- August 27, 2015 — Workshop Presentation
- August 27, 2015 — Workshop Minutes
- September 25, 2015 — NDEP Regulation Erratum
- September 11, 2015 — Notice of Regulatory Hearing
- October 15, 2015 — SEC Informational Statement Cover Letter to LCB
- October 15, 2015 — Informational Statement [4 Pages]
- October 27, 2015 — LCB Cover Letter for Permanent Regulation
- October 27, 2015 — Secretary of State Filing Form
- October 27, 2015 — Permanent Regulation [9 Pages]
- November 3, 2015 — State Library and Archives Transmittal Letter
R027-15: Bureau of Air Quality Planning - Ambient Air Quality Standards
Approve and adopt permanent regulatory petition R027-15, as proposed, or take other action as appropriate. (For Possible Action)
The NDEP is proposing to amend NAC 445B.22097, “Standards of quality for ambient air,” to further align it with the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) currently in effect. The proposed regulation revises the annual fine particulate matter (PM2.5) standard in both the Nevada side and the federal side of the standards table from 15.0 to 12.0 micrograms per cubic meter and removes the annual PM10 standard. New definitions for PM2.5 and PM10 are also proposed to clarify that direct gaseous emissions from a source that condense to form particulate matter at ambient temperatures are included in those terms, as required by federal regulation.
The amendments are in response to a federal requirement. When the USEPA promulgates a new or revised NAAQS, states must submit a plan which provides for implementation, maintenance and enforcement of such standard, Clean Air Act § 110(a)(1). The proposed amendments address the implementation of the USEPA’s December 14, 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS revision, as well as clarify and simplify the particulate matter regulations.
It is important to note that the proposed PM2.5 standard is already a federal standard with which industry must comply regardless of whether the USEPA or the NDEP implements it. If USEPA must implement the standard, it will do so remotely, in a unilateral manner, with little experience of Nevada’s industry and without the NDEP’s commitment to support economic development. In contrast, the NDEP has active working relationships with the regulated industry and is well positioned to develop Nevada-specific implementation strategies with industry that are effective and as unobtrusive as possible.
There will be an incremental cost to the agency of implementing the required federal regulation, but such cost is built in to the current fee structure of the Bureau of Air Pollution Control. The regulation does not overlap, duplicate or conflict with any regulations of other government agencies. The proposed regulation does not include provisions which are more stringent than a federal regulation. The proposed regulation does not address fees and it is essential to the functions and operations of NDEP.
Documents in Adobe PDF File Format
- May 22, 2015 — Workshop Notice & Agenda [2 Pages]
- May 18, 2015 — SEC Form 1 [3 Pages]
- May 18, 2015 — SEC Form 4 [6 Pages]
- May 18, 2015 — NDEP Draft Regulation [4 Pages]
- June 12, 2015 — NDEP Draft Regulation Revised [4 Pages]
- June 12, 2015 — Transmittal Letter to LCB
- July 13, 2015 — LCB Draft Regulation [9 Pages]
- July 22, 2015 — Workshop Minutes [3 Pages]
- September 11, 2015 — Notice of Regulatory Hearing
- October 15, 2015 — SEC Informational Statement Cover Letter to LCB
- October 15, 2015 — Informational Statement [4 Pages]
- October 27, 2015 — LCB Cover Letter for Permanent Regulation
- October 27, 2015 — Secretary of State Filing Form
- October 27, 2015 — Permanent Regulation [13 Pages]
- November 3, 2015 — State Library and Archives Transmittal Letter
R028-15: Bureau of Air Quality Planning - Adopt by Reference
Approve and adopt permanent regulatory petition R028-15, as proposed, or take other action as appropriate. (For Possible Action)
The NDEP is proposing to amend NAC 445B.221, Adoption by reference and applicability of certain provisions of federal law and regulations, to adopt applicable federal rules promulgated since the State regulation was last updated as of July 1, 2013. The update includes rulemakings under 40 CFR Part 51, “Requirements for preparation, adoption, and submittal of implementation plans”, Part 60, “Standards of performance for new stationary sources” (NSPS), Part 61, “National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants” (NESHAP), and Part 63, “National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories” (NESHAP).
This regulation will not have an immediate or long-term adverse economic impact on the public or the business community. There will be no additional costs to the State for enforcement of the proposed regulation and the regulation does not overlap, duplicate or conflict with any regulations of other government agencies. The proposed regulation does not include provisions which are more stringent than a federal regulation. The proposed regulation does not address fees and it is essential to the functions and operations of NDEP.
Documents in Adobe PDF File Format
- May 22, 2015 — Workshop Notice & Agenda [2 Pages]
- March 13, 2015 — SEC Form 1 [2 Pages]
- May 19, 2015 — SEC Form 4 [4 Pages]
- May 19, 2015 — NDEP Draft Regulation [3 Pages]
- June 12, 2015 — NDEP Draft Regulation Revised [6 Pages]
- June 12, 2015 — Transmittal Letter to LCB
- July 8, 2015 — LCB Draft Regulation
- July 22, 2015 — Workshop Minutes [3 Pages]
- September 11, 2015 — Notice of Regulatory Hearing
- October 15, 2015 — SEC Informational Statement Cover Letter to LCB
- October 15, 2015 — Informational Statement [4 Pages]
- October 27, 2015 — LCB Cover Letter for Permanent Regulation
- October 27, 2015 — Secretary of State Filing Form
- October 27, 2015 — Permanent Regulation [9 Pages]
- November 3, 2015 — State Library and Archives Transmittal Letter
R054-15: Bureau of Air Quality Planning – Voluntary Emission Reduction Credits Program
Approve and adopt permanent regulatory petition R054-15, as proposed, or take other action as appropriate. (For Possible Action)
The NDEP is proposing a new, voluntary program intended to assist in growth and economic development in areas designated nonattainment for a national ambient air quality standard(s) (NAAQS). The program will provide offsets for a new major stationary source wishing to locate in a nonattainment area or for an existing facility to make a major modification, while at the same time providing air quality benefits. This program will provide for the creation, banking, transfer and use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs). In a nonattainment area, if a facility reduces emissions through an operational change, a reconfiguration or a shutdown, the program will allow the facility to request credit for the reductions and bank a reduced portion of the credit for future use or sale. The emission reductions used to generate an ERC must be surplus, permanent, quantifiable and federally enforceable.
A fee is proposed for the ERC program commensurate with the level of effort currently required by the NDEP in its review of operating permit applications from the regulated community. It is important to note that this proposed regulation is a voluntary program and industry may participate only if it chooses to. The proposed regulation will have beneficial effects in terms of improved health and welfare. Due to the automatic reduction in the allowable emissions from the ERC program, the public will benefit from cleaner air.
There will be an incremental cost to the agency of implementing this regulation. The proposed changes to the BAPC fee structure (NAC 445B.327) will accommodate these costs. The proposed amendments do not overlap any other State regulations and are not more stringent than what is established by federal law. The proposed regulatory petition does address fees. All fees collected will be used to support the ERC program.
Documents in Adobe PDF File Format
- July 12, 2015 — SEC Form 1 [2 Pages]
- July 15, 2015 — SEC Form 4 [3 Pages]
- July 10, 2015 — NDEP Draft Regulation [19 Pages]
- July 13, 2015 — Transmittal Letter to LCB
- July 7, 2015 — Workshop Notice and Agenda
- July 7, 2015 — Workshop Slide Presentation [17 Pages]
- July 22, 2015 — Workshop Minutes [4 Pages]
- September 9, 2015 — LCB Draft Regulation [28 Pages]
- September 11, 2015 — Notice of Regulatory Hearing
- October 14, 2015 — NDEP Regulation Erratum
- October 15, 2015 — SEC Informational Statement Cover Letter to LCB
- October 15, 2015 — Informational Statement [4 Pages]
- October 27, 2015 — LCB Cover Letter for Permanent Regulation
- October 27, 2015 — Secretary of State Filing Form
- October 27, 2015 — Permanent Regulation [32 Pages]
- November 3, 2015 — State Library and Archives Transmittal Letter
R052-15: Bureau of Mining Regulation and Reclamation – Reclamation
Approve and adopt permanent regulatory petition R052-15, as proposed, or take other action as appropriate. (For Possible Action)
The NDEP is proposing to amend Chapter 519A of the NAC to include a new section which defines “mine impacted waters.” NAC 519A.270 and NAC 519A.345 are revised to require a reclamation plan that describes the measures which may be required to stabilize, manage, control, or treat mine impacted waters from waste and development rock piles, open pit mines and underground mines. NAC 519A.360 is amended to require the costs for stabilization, management, control and treatment of mine impacted waters to be included in the reclamation project bond. It also provides authority for the NDEP to bond for long-term fluid management costs such as perpetual treatment of mine impacted waters. Clarification is provided in NAC 519A.350 to include cash deposits as an acceptable reclamation surety.
This regulation may result in operators of mining operations having to submit a higher reclamation project bond to cover costs associated with stabilization, management, control or treatment of mine impacted waters. This would currently only apply to projects located on private land as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has the bonding authority for projects on public lands. This regulation will not have an immediate or long-term adverse economic impact on the public. There will be no additional costs to the State for enforcement of the proposed regulation and the regulation does not overlap, duplicate or conflict with any regulations of other government agencies. The proposed regulation does not include provisions which are more stringent than a federal regulation. The proposed regulation does not impose a fee change. The proposed regulation is essential to the functions and operations of NDEP.
Documents in Adobe PDF File Format
- July 2, 2015 — SEC Form 1 [2 Pages]
- July 2, 2015 — SEC Form 4 [2 Pages]
- July 6, 2015 — NDEP Draft Regulation [6 Pages]
- July 6, 2015 — Transmittal Letter to LCB
- July 10, 2015 — Workshop Notice
- July 10, 2015 — Workshop Agenda
- September 8, 2015 — Workshop Minutes [6 Pages]
- September 9, 2015 — LCB Draft Regulation [13 Pages]
- September 11, 2015 — Notice of Regulatory Hearing
- December 2, 2015 — SEC Informational Statement Cover Letter to LCB
- October 15, 2015 — Informational Statement [4 Pages]
- December 21, 2015 — LCB Cover Letter for Permanent Regulation
- December 21, 2015 — Secretary of State Filing Form
- December 21, 2015 — Permanent Regulation [17 Pages]
- December 23, 2015 — State Library and Archives Transmittal Letter
R063-15: Bureau of Corrective Actions – Spill Reporting Hotline
Approve and adopt permanent regulatory petition R063-15, as proposed, or take other action as appropriate. (For Possible Action)
The NDEP is proposing to amend Chapter 445A of the NAC to allow for online reporting of non-significant releases to the environment. Currently, all releases must be reported verbally. Online reporting of non-significant incidents and releases will provide a more streamlined, efficient, and effective reporting system for the Division and for Users. The Division identified less than 10% of the 514 reported incidents or releases of regulated substances as significant in 2014. Online submission is extremely efficient: once the User completes and submits the online report form, it is automatically emailed directly to the Duty Officer and Program Manager who will be able to route it to the appropriate agency and directly upload the information into the current database. This system of first person reporting will result in more accurate spill reports.
Online reporting will also fulfill the online reporting requirement set forth in Senate Bill No. 236:
AN ACT relating to governmental administration; requiring a state agency to make available on an Internet website maintained by the state agency certain forms of the state agency in a format which allows the form to be completed, downloaded and saved electronically and submitted securely to the state agency via the Internet; authorizing a state agency to provide a copy of certain records to any other state agency upon request; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
This regulation will not have an immediate or long-term adverse economic impact on the public or the business community. There will be no additional costs to the State for enforcement of the proposed regulation and the regulation does not overlap, duplicate or conflict with any regulations of other government agencies. The proposed regulation does not include provisions which are more stringent than a federal regulation. The proposed regulation does not address fees and it is essential to the functions and operations of NDEP.
Documents in Adobe PDF File Format
- July 30, 2015 — SEC Form 1 [2 Pages]
- July 30, 2015 — SEC Form 4 [4 Pages]
- July 30, 2015 — NDEP Draft Regulation [1 Page]
- August 11, 2015 — Transmittal Letter to LCB
- August 31, 2015 — LCB Draft Regulation
- September 9, 2015 — Public Workshop Notice and Agenda
- September 11, 2015 — Notice of Regulatory Hearing
- October 15, 2015 — SEC Informational Statement Cover Letter to LCB
- October 15, 2015 — Informational Statement [4 Pages]
- October 27, 2015 — LCB Cover Letter for Permanent Regulation
- October 27, 2015 — Secretary of State Filing Form
- October 27, 2015 — Permanent Regulation [6 Pages]
- November 3, 2015 — State Library and Archives Transmittal Letter