Smith Valley Dairy Water Pollution Control Discharge Permit NS2014502

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First Hearing
9:00 A.M.
July 23, 2015
Bryan Building, Tahoe Conference Room (2nd Floor)
901 South Stewart Street
Carson City, NV
Second Hearing
9:00 A.M.
July 24, 2015
Bryan Building, Tahoe Conference Room (2nd Floor)
901 South Stewart Street
Carson City, NV

SEC Final Decision: Permit Upheld

Hearing Audio, Agenda, Notices, Minutes, and Transcripts

Background of Appeal

The Smith Valley Dairy is located in Lyon County at 40 Hunewill Lane, approximately 6 miles northeast of Smith, Nevada.

On March 9, 2015, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) issued Water Pollution Control Permit NS2014502 to Smith Valley Dairy. Permit NS2014502 is a new permit and authorizes the discharge of manure and process wastewater to:

  1. Land application areas, reported at 1640 acres, in accordance with a Division reviewed Nutrient Management Plan and;
  2. Waters of the State as a result of a storm event or a chronic rainfall event that exceeds the 25 year 24 hour storm design, provided that the facilities and their production areas are properly designed, constructed, operated and maintained to contain manure, pollutants, direct precipitation and the runoff from a 25 year 24 hour storm event.

On March 19, 2015, the Save Our Smith Valley, Inc. (SOS, Inc.) filed an appeal signed by Carol McLeod, Secretary.

In summary, SOS, Inc. alleges that the NDEP Water Pollution Control permit issued to Smith Valley Dairy violates NRS 233B.135, which addresses a Judicial Review conducted by a court without a jury. Within the individual explanations, SOS, Inc. alleges the following citations have been violated: NRS 445A.585, NAC 445A.283, NRS 40.140, NRS 445A.665, NRS 445A.305, NRS 445A.445, NAC 445A.121 and NRS 445A.490.

Appeal Documents

Appellant Documents: Save our Smith Valley, Inc 

Defendant Documents: Nevada Division of Environmental Protection

Intervener Documents: Smith Valley Dairy 

State Environmental Commission Documents