SEC Meeting March 19, 2025

A clock symbol
Location symbol
9:00 A.M.
  Wednesday, March 19, 2025  

Bryan Building, 1st Floor (Bonnie B. Bryan Room)
901 South Stewart Street
Carson City, NV


NDEP Las Vegas Office (Red Rock Conf Room)
375 East Warm Springs Road
Las Vegas, NV

Capacity at the physical locations is limited.

Remote participation is encouraged

  Join the Microsoft Teams meeting:

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 260 561 852 779
Passcode: xL2QM6gm

Or call in (audio only)

 +1 775-321-6111,,969884116#   United States, Reno 

Phone Conference ID: 969 885 116#

Minutes, Agenda, and Audio

  • Meeting Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Meeting Audio


Penalty Assessments

  • BAPC Reference Information
  • Settlement Table

Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc.

Alleged failures to construct or operate a stationary source in accordance with any conditon of an operating permit, in violation of Class I Air Quality Operating Permit AP2992-1473.03.

Recommendation: Approve the NDEP-recommended penalties for Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc. in the amount of $6,600 for NOAV No. 3069 and $29,150 for NOAV No. 3150 or take other action as appropriate. 

NDEP Regulatory Petitions

Permanent Regulation R119-24: Bureau of Air Quality Planning - Adopting Federal Regulations by Reference

NDEP is proposing to amend NAC 445B.220 and NAC 445B 221, adoption by reference applicable \provisions of federal law and regulations to prevent, abate and control air pollution and to establish standards for air quality. (NRS 445B.210) Under existing regulations, the Commission has adopted by reference certain provisions of federal regulations and certain standards for testing air quality. (NAC 445B.221) This regulation: (1) revises which provisions of federal regulations are adopted by reference; (2) revises certain standards for testing air quality previously adopted by reference; and (3) updates the price for and manner of obtaining the publications containing those standards. 

No economic impact will be realized by the public or by the enforcing agency. The proposed amendments do not address fees.

Supporting PDF Documents:

Permanent Regulation R126-24: Bureau of Corrective Actions - Alignment of Brownfield Regulatory Language with Federal Regulations

R126-24 proposes to amend Chapter 459 of the NAC to ensure consistency with the terms and conditions entered by the state with the U.S. EPA regarding the use of federally granted Fund for Brownfield Projects (Fund). The proposed revisions: 1) define new terms introduced by the proposed revisions; 2) identify the goal of the Fund; 3) expand existing match funds to include in-kind services and provide relief from match for disadvantaged recipients; 4) increase the percentage of the Fund available for subgrant to eligible entities; and 5) expand eligible uses of the Fund, which is currently limited to cleanup, to include planning, community involvement, site assessment, and other tasks necessary for successful Brownfield property redevelopment.

The proposed changes are not expected to have any adverse economic impacts on the public, the regulated community, or the Division.

Supporting PDF Documents:

Permanent Regulation R130-24: Bureau of Corrective Actions - Regulatory Clean-up in Response to Governor's Executive Order EO2023-003

R130-24 proposes to amend Chapter 445A of the NAC to remove outdated references and add references to current and dynamic federal regulations and guidance. The amended language clarifies that current soil contaminiant screening levels and drinking water Maximum Contaminant Levels should be used for risk assessment and potential cleanup rather than levels determined based on 1996 toxicology data. 

The proposed changes are not expected to have any economic effect on the public, regulated businesses, or the Division. 

Supporting PDF Documents: