First Liberty Power Corp., Fencemaker Project Mining - Water Pollution Control Discharge Permit NEV2009104

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10:00 A.M.
November 14, 2016
Bryan Building, Tahoe Conference Room (2nd Floor)
901 South Stewart Street
Carson City, NV

SEC Final Decision: Appeal Withdrawn

Hearing Audio, Agenda, Notices, Minutes, and Transcripts

Background of Appeal

The Fencemaker facility is located on public land in Pershing County, Nevada, within Section 10, Township 26 North, Range 37 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian, approximately 49 miles southeast of the town of Lovelock.

The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) originally issued Water Pollution Control Permit NEV2009104 to Stockpile Reserves, Inc. in September of 2009. On June 23, 2016, NDEP reissued the discharge permit to First Liberty Power Corp. Permit NEV2009104 authorizes the permittee to construct, operate and close the Fencemaker Project. The permit authorizes the extraction of up to 36,500 tons of ore per year.

On June 15, 2016, a request for an appeal hearing was submitted to the State Environmental Commission (SEC) signed by Mr. Steve Vogel. On September 30 a revised request for an appeal hearing was submitted.

In summary, Mr. Vogel alleges that the NDEP Water Pollution Control permit issued to First Liberty Power Corp. was affected by error of law. Specifically, Mr. Vogel alleges that First Liberty Power Corp. does not have the appropriate mineral rights or business license to be the lawful permittee for discharge permit NEV2009104. 

Appeal Documents

Appellant Documents: Steve Vogel 

Defendant Documents: Nevada Division of Environmental Protection

State Environmental Commission Documents